I’m just like a dandelion

I’m born amongst dandelions
Broken and hurt
I was born to take away
Somebody else’s pain

I’m born without love
A broken relationship, a broken house
I’m like a dandelion
I fight to thrive, to survive

Playing house with my own parents
Fighting to hold it all together
Looking for a way to control
My feelings, my anger
If I fail now, what was it all for?

I’m just like a dandelion
I was never meant for the gardens
Just like a dandelion
People pick me by my roots
Fight to contain me
Stop me from spreading
Never let me see the sun
But I’m the prettiest weed
That you’ll ever see

I was taught this was normal
Yet people look at me like I’m insane
Nobody ever gets it
I had to find my own strength
Amongst dandelions, like myself

So just you try to contain us
We’re resilient
We’ve survived worse
So give us your best shot
Dig us up, rough and careless
We’ll still thrive, somehow

You don’t like dandelions
We ruin your picture perfect flower bed
Pick us up by the roots
What’s more resentment
You forfeit our love
We’ll take this estrangement
Cry me a river
I can’t wait to see
Your flower bed, without me

Maybe one day
You’ll pick us more gently
Make a wish, send it in the winds
And maybe that day
You’ll regret what you did
To the prettiest weeds
That you’ve ever seen

Dikten är skriven av en ungdom

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